How Can I Change My Mindset and Be Happy

What Does Mindset Mean?

Your mindset—the beliefs that shape how you view yourself and your world— has an impact on thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Mindset is the difference between success or failure and resilience or defeat.

Your Mindset, how you view yourself and the world, is a great predictor for your attitude and your happiness.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset

What’s the Difference Between Fixed vs Growth Mindset? Those with fixed mindsets avoid challenges, give up when obstacles get in their way, ignore criticism, and find the success of others threatening. Those with growth mindsets embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and are inspired by the success of others.

If you’re currently in a season of life where you’re experiencing a fixed mindset, it’s OK! You can change your mindset

Shifting your mindset is a powerful way to bring positivity and clarity to your life.

And the good news is….there are Simple Strategy Shifts for Positive Change

How to Change Your Mindset: 5 Ways to Improve Mindset

Recognize that your thoughts are powerful and do impact both your feelings and actions—Many of our thoughts are almost subconscious and we may not realized how they are affecting our mindset. If you’re feeling frustrated, sad, angry or annoyed, stop and take note of your thoughts. Are they based on fear or scarcity? Practice reframing your thoughts from your new mindset perspective.

  1. Embrace change—Change is difficult for most people, but something we’re always going to experience. Instead of thinking about what you’ve lost, think about how change can positively influence your life or pick one thing you’re grateful for or have learned as a result of change

  2. Set small goals—We often focus on the big goals in our lives, but the smaller ones are more influential to a positive mindset. Choose two or three small things you want to change and celebrate small wins every single time!

  3. Surround yourself with positive people and positive experiences, don’t get caught in the negative spiral or drama of other peoples lives - keep your space calm

  4. Talk out your feelings, don’t hold them in or bottle them up. Utilize a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings

  5. Talk out your feelings, don’t hold them in or bottle them up. Utilize a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings


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